I’m grateful to be an old has-been
Maybe Uncle Rico’s Glory Days are behind him. But ours don’t have to be.
Glory Days.
Remember yours?
The Boss once sang about them.
ESPN relives them continuously on its array of channels.
And here in western Pennsylvania, we just can’t stop talking about them. Sorta like Uncle Rico in the film “Napoleon Dynamite.”
It makes perfect sense. The fact is, we’re all just a bunch of “has-beens” and “used-to-be’s.”
If those terms describe you today, you can feel one of two ways — discouraged or extremely grateful.
Yes, grateful.
And the best part about it? You get to decide.
“ ‘Used-to-be’ is not necessarily a mark of failure or even obsolescence. It’s more often a sign of bravery and progress.”
I love that line from author Seth Godin.
It’s counter-intuitive, I know, but it’s brilliant.
Let’s break it down a little further.
Perhaps you “used-to-be” a star athlete.
Or maybe you “used-to-be” a real looker.
Sorry. Time and gravity eventually take down all of us.
But here’s some good news for you.
Who you are today is much more impressive than, say, 10 or 15 years ago.
Next year, I hope you will take it up yet another notch.
And the best part about it? You get to decide.
“You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.”
Decisions, decisions.
There’s always a tipping point.
And this is where “used-to-be” gets really fun.
Maybe you decided you “used-to-be” afraid of taking risks and failing. Today, you realize the person you really want to be is just outside your comfort zone.
Maybe you decided you “used-to-be” a person who kept score and always compared yourself to others. Today, you realize it’s much more fulfilling to focus on serving and solving problems.
Maybe you decided you “used-to-be” a person who worked really, really hard to impress other people. Today, you realize it’s much more important to influence and inspire them.
Maybe you decided you “used-to-be” the right fit in a certain career or with a group of friends. Today, you realize it’s a new season and you’re a new person, so it’s time to move on, no matter how scary it may be.
If you’re an old has-been like THAT, it’s time to celebrate. Take a good, long look in the mirror and smile. Take a moment to admire who you are today — and how far you’ve come.
Then remind yourself or, better yet, stick a Post-It note on the mirror:
You are who you ARE, not who you USED TO BE.
Now you know, friends.
Glory Days are no longer a thing of the past.
And that certainly brings us all hope for the future.
Even Uncle Rico.
(Tim Kolodziej is the creator of EnspireU.com and author of this piece. You can email him here.)