Healing and Hope ...

Meet Vince Reginella: A serious injury may have derailed his soccer career, but it fueled a passion to serve young athletes.

After recovering from his own serious injury, Vince Reginella now helps young athletes regain their mental edge.

Mental anguish.

Vince Reginella knows all about it.

The North Allegheny graduate had been a standout on the soccer pitch since grade school. But for nearly two full seasons of his collegiate career at Allegheny College, all he could do was watch.

And wait. Then wait some more.

“I had no choice but to be patient,” he reflected. “I had never been away from the game for that long.”

A severe knee injury suffered during his sophomore season prevented him from competing, but it did allow him to contemplate a unique career path as he watched from the sideline.

“I saw teammates suffer concussions and then return prematurely,” he remembered. “And that manifested in other problems.”

Mental anguish, to be exact.

Something he had become quite familiar with during his own rehab. 

Helping individuals recover from brain injuries became his consuming passion, so he switched his major from neuroscience to neuropsychology.

“I had seen firsthand what could happen to someone with post-concussion syndrome. Some people never fully recover.”

He paused.

“I just wanted to help.”


After graduating from Allegheny College, Vince moved on to the University of Pittsburgh to pursue a master’s degree. While on the Pitt campus, Vince discovered a mentor, Dr. James D. Petrick, a neuropsychologist who specializes in working with clients who have sustained brain trauma.

The connection cemented Vince’s decision to work with young people.

“He really showed me the ropes,” Vince said. “He has a great deal of knowledge that I’ve been able to tap into.”

Toward that end, Vince launched his own counseling practice in 2017 and is now fulfilling his dream of improving the lives of young people dealing with brain disorders. Always searching for the latest and best strategies to implement, Vince is now enrolled in the doctorate program at Carlow University in Pittsburgh.

When asked if he’s living his dream, Vince smiled.

“This is my passion,” he responded. “I’m a driven young therapist who has a background in athletics. I want to learn all I can, then do all I can, to help young people become whole.”


Every business needs a model.

Every team needs a game plan.

It’s the same for young adults recovering from brain trauma.

“Once a student has been diagnosed with a concussion or other disorder, it’s paramount to take the time to heal. Just like a sport, we need to come up with a game plan for their lives.”

He used a baseball illustration to drive his point home.

“If you haven’t given your brain proper time to recover, it’s like trying to pitch on a broken arm. You can’t do it.”

Vince helps young people and their parents develop strategies, skills, and the mindset for complete recovery.

“Having a detailed process can really help deal with the symptoms effectively.”

During his years of working with young athletes, Vince has seen many who want to rush back to their sport too quickly.

“It makes sense,” he noted. “They love to compete and in a sense, they’re grieving the loss of their former selves. They develop a mindset of brokenness.”

That’s where Vince steps in to help point them in a different direction — no longer dwelling on what was, but adopting a blueprint for what can be: becoming a healthy, mentally strong individual who can maintain a “next play” mindset no matter the obstacles.

“Skill gets you to a certain point,” Vince stressed, “but the vast majority is a mental battle. It’s vital to build a healthy relationship with yourself.”

He sipped his coffee and leaned in.

“If you can win the battle in the brain, the sport becomes much easier.”

It’s not just theory. Vince has witnessed it play out over and over again.

“I’ve seen some incredible changes in my clients,” he said. “Human beings are much more resilient than they give themselves credit for. When a student is really engaged and try to make a change … when we work together as a team, that’s when the magic happens.”


How about you?

Have you been struggling to find your groove? Dealing with doubt? Hope you could take the next step in your sport or other discipline?

Are you ready for a change? We have the tools to help.

Call Vince today at (412) 716-3783 to set up a consultation. He’ll review your history, answer any questions or concerns, then develop the skills and strategies to fuel recovery and build a healthy mindset for the future. Learn more about Vince and his practice at his website.

Tim Kolodziej