Everything starts in the mind. Everything.
Business mogul Elon Musk imagined sending a rocket into space. And did it.
It’s the workshop of the mind. Every tool we need to create the life we REALLY want is located between our ears.
Imagination is where all great athletes first start training.
It’s where all great companies are built.
It’s where we all create the future.
For better …
Amazon.com — Started in the mind of Jeff Bezos.
The Joe Rogan Experience — Started in the mind of Joe Rogan.
SpaceX — Started in the mind of Elon Musk.
Or for worse …
The website you shouldn’t have visited this week. Started in your mind.
The donut you ate this morning. Started in your mind.
The workout you skipped last night. Started in your mind.
The best students, the best athletes, the best business owners will tell you they IMAGINED it first.
They imagined how fulfilling the FUTURE could be.
The folks who make poor choices use their imagination, too. They imagine how good it will feel NOW.
I fall into that category way too often. Maybe you do, too.
So let’s challenge each other with a simple principle. It’s so simple you just might ignore it. And I’m guessing many of you will. But I hope not.
When two competing thoughts enter your mind, always choose what will be more beneficial in the FUTURE. Not what will make you feel better NOW.
That’s it. No BS. Simple wins.
Simple always wins.
We all have the freedom to create our future.
One rep, one choice, one habit at a time.
So, what do you see for yourself in the days and months ahead?
What’s the dream you can’t get out of your head?
That’s reality just waiting to come alive.
But only if you’ll allow it.
Imagine that.
(Tim Kolodziej is the creator of EnspireU.com and author of this piece. You can email him here.)