A three-word phrase that fits all

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

(Here’s another in an occasional series of thoughts from the book “Greenlights.”)

Matthew McConaughey isn’t just a terrific actor.

He’s a deep, deep thinker. 

My kind of dude.

Now, I’m not arguing against the wisdom of Descartes, Aristotle, or Plato. I just don’t understand what they’re saying half the time.

To me, a great teacher is one who not only knows the material, but someone who can help ME “get it,” too.

I’m sure it stems from my childhood. I’m the son of a bartender, and I spent a lot of days listening to “whiskey philosophers” explain the meaning of life. They didn’t follow their own advice, mind you, but they used language a kid could understand. And, sometimes, language a 6-year-old shouldn’t hear.

So there’s a phrase McConaughey shares in his book, “Greenlights,” that encompasses both.

It prompted me to reflect on my own choices. And, in context, it actually moved me to tears.

“Don’t half-ass it.”

Yep, that’s the phrase. Simple. Direct. Something we can all understand.

Even better, it’s a standard to which we can all aspire — regardless of our family background, education, skin color, or religious affiliation.

“Don’t half-ass it.”

Those three words changed Matthew McConaughey’s career trajectory. Those three words changed his life in many ways. And I’m hoping they change yours as I share them today. Here’s how they came about.


McConaughey was a student at the University of Texas, all set to become the first lawyer to emerge from his blue-collar heritage. But there was a huge problem: He didn’t want to become a lawyer. He wanted to go to film school.

He was scared to death to tell his father, a bear of a man who once played for the Green Bay Packers and was known to throw a fist or two — especially after downing a drink or two.

McConaughey summoned the courage to dial the phone anyway. (The following is a brief passage from the book.)

Taking deep breaths, sweating, I made the call at 7:36 p.m.

My father picked up the phone.

“Hey, Dad?”

“Hey, what’s up, son?”

“Well, I don’t want to go to law school anymore. I want to go to film school.”

Silence. One. Two. Three. Four. Five seconds.

Then I heard a voice. A kind, inquisitive voice.

 I thought he was gonna go, “you wanna do WHAT, boy?”

Instead, he asked, “You sure that’s what you want to do, son?”

“I said, Yes sir, Dad. It is.”

There was another long pause.

Then he said three of the greatest words I’ve ever been told.

“Don’t half-ass it.”

With those words, he not only gave me his blessing and consent, he gave me his approval and validation. It’s what he said and HOW he said it. He not only gave me the privilege, he gave me honor, freedom and responsibility.


Wow. If that didn’t move you to get into the game, please read the excerpt again.

Jim McConaughey didn’t just give his son a blessing. He gave his son THE blessing to grow into the person he was created to be.




Isn’t that what we all crave?

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not advocating for you to quit your job and become an actor or open a surf shop on the beach. I’m just saying we need to COMMIT to whatever it is we’re doing. Not what we HOPE to do someday. What we’re doing now. Right now.

True joy, true fulfillment isn’t about the outcome. It’s NEVER about the outcome. It’s only found in the daily journey of mastering our craft. It’s found in mastering the unique way we love to bless and serve OTHERS.

“Don’t half-ass it.”

I can’t think of three more powerful words. So today, if you’ve had a parent, coach or supervisor threaten you with those words, please allow me change your perspective. Don’t view the phrase as a demand. Allow it to cascade over you as a blessing. Right now. Wherever you happen to be.

That goes for the athlete.

The student.

The cashier.

The teacher.

The CEO.

The janitor.

Whatever it is you are doing …

“Don’t half-ass it.”

That goes for anything else we do today.

Never spend time or kill time … INVEST.

If you’re in a conversation … LISTEN.

If something strikes you as funny … LAUGH.

If you have a test or presentation coming up … PREPARE.

If you’re in the midst of athletic competition … PLAY HARD.

If your heart is beating and you are breathing … LIVE.

Serious question: When you grab a ticket at the deli, are you secretly hoping you get the employee who gives it their all? Or are you OK with drawing one of the other counter workers?

I thought so.

Which would you rather be?

I thought so.

“Don’t half-ass it.”

Author and entrepreneur Derek Sivers has a unique method for making important decisions. It always comes down to the same two choices: 

“HELL YEAH!!!!” 

Or “no.”

That’s it.

He suggests we all adopt this strategy if we’re often feeling over-committed or scattered.

“When deciding whether to do something, if you feel anything less than ‘Wow! That would be amazing! Absolutely! Hell yeah!’ — then say no.”

The net effect can be life-changing. Not just for you, but especially for those in your sphere of influence.

“When you say no to most things,” Sivers continues, “you leave room in your life to really throw yourself completely into that rare thing that makes you say, “HELL YEAH!”

In other words …

“Don’t half-ass it.”

Those three words can — and DID — change a young man’s life.

Those three words can change us.

And, I would argue, the world around us, too.

Now that you’ve been given the blessing, go share it. 

With everything you’ve got.

And maybe a little more, just to be sure.

(Tim Kolodziej is the creator of EnspireU.com and author of this piece. If you would like to receive encouraging/inspiring messages, videos, and motivational stories each morning, text him at (412) 226-4977.)

Tim Kolodziej